Alternative nostril breathing for pregnancy


This is a modified pranayama for pregnancy sometimes in a full version (with retention of the breath)  called Anuloma Viloma.

It is a calming and balancing technique which I practise during pregnancy especially when I feel a bit nervous or stressed out. It also balances the two energies in our body : female and male (cold and hot).

Start from comfortable sitting position like  Sukasana.

Use your right hand – place fingers in Vishnu Mudra – picture above.

Close your right nostril and exhale fully through your left nostril, now inhale through the left. Then exhale through the right keeping the left closed. Do the same on the right – inhale slowly through one nostril closing the other by pressing a finger against it. As you breath in, feel your diaphragm gently rise to your chest. Breathe out, very slowly. As you exhale imagine you’re sending your breath through every part of your body.

Continue until you feel calmer and more relaxed. Finish on the exhalation on the left side.

Remember practising breathing techniques during pregnancy you should not retain your breath.

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